Principal's Welcome

Tēnā koutou katoa,
Gordonton school is a mid-sized, full-primary, rural school on the outskirts of Hamilton, the 4th largest metropolitan city in Aotearoa.
Our children are at the centre of all that we do at Gordonton School and we are a dedicated team of professional educators committed to supporting our children to be the best they can be. We strive to offer a range of academic, cultural and sporting experiences to ensure that all children can participate, and achieve success in a range of areas.
Our high expectations for learning and behaviour, alongside our school values of Manaakitanga, Awhina, Ngakau Pono and Ako support the caring, positive and inclusive environment that we create and maintain.
A great importance is placed on forming relationships where learners feel safe being challenged and taking risks, where goal setting is part of the learning process and where celebrating progress and success is part of everyday life.
Our aim is to empower students to be confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners and to leave our school after year 8 fully prepared for secondary school.
I am proud to lead and be part of such a fantastic school community so committed to creating a 21st century learning environment which prepares our children for the future.
We have an actively involved parent and whanau community and close links with Ngaati Wairere, the Tangata Whenua at Hukanui Marae.
When you enrol your child at Gordonton School you are agreeing to be a partner in your child’s learning. This is really important to us as you are their first teachers and working together, we will achieve so much more.
Welcome to our school.
Ngā mihi
Keith O'Donnell

Anchored in MANA
At Gordonton School we are Anchored in MANA

Kindness, care and respect.

Supporting others to be the best they can be

Ngākau Pono
Integrity, loyalty and honesty
Doing the right thing

Quality teaching and learning
Mahi tahi - learning together
Contact Us
Woodlands Rd, RD1, Hamilton, New Zealand
07 824 3602
Sports Committee - sports@gordonton.school.nz
PTA - pta@gordonton.school.nz
After school care - Lisa Blake lisablake18@yahoo.co.nz
2025 Term Dates
Meet the teacher conferences: Monday 3rd Feb
School Starts at 8.55am Tuesday 4th February, 2025
Term 1
Tues 4th Feb - Fri 11th April
Thurs 6th Feb - Waitangi Day
Easter and ANZAC Days are in the Holidays
Term 2
Monday 28th April - Fri 27th June
Monday 2nd June - King's Birthday
Friday 20th June Matariki
Term 3
Monday 14th July - Friday 19th September
Fri 15th Aug - Mid Term Break - school closed
Term 4
Monday 6th October - Wednesday 17th December
Monday 27th October - Labour day
What's on in Term 1
Term 4 Events
Monday 14 First Day of Term
Monday 14 PTA Meeting 7pm
Thursday 17 Shine Girl starts
Friday 18 Ag Day
Monday 21 Group Day
Friday 25 Teacher Only Day - school closed
Monday 28 Labour Day
Wednesday 30 Orini Fun Day
Friday 8 Assembly 2.15pm
Friday 8 School disco
Thursday 14 Te Pihinga Pukemokmoke Trip
Monday 18 Senior School Athletics Day
Friday 22 Assembly 2.15pm
Wednesday 27 EWCS Athletics (Orini Reserve)
Friday 29 Junior Athletics Day
Thursday 5 Christmas In the Paddock
Friday 6 Assembly 2.15pm
Friday 13 Reports home
Tuesday 17 11am Prizegiving Gordonton Community Hall & Term ends(1230pm, there will be no afternoon bus)
Keeping up to date
We try our best to communicate events with parents. There are a number of ways that we do this. The website is one way. You can download our weekly newsletters from our website.
We recommend you print out the term overview in the first newsletter of each term and put that on your fridge.
We also have Spotlight, Facebook and email. Occasionally we send home paper newsletters as well.

Look out for our newsletters on Mondays.
Click here for Term calendar
If you would like to have a look around our school, please contact the office to arrange a visit.
Gordonton School has an enrolment scheme. Please check here to see if you are in our zone.

International Students
We are a signatory to the International Code of Practice and we welcome international students. Our Board employs a qualified teacher/tutor to assist these students and other English Second Language students with English language development.